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December 2022 - Gratitude


This month we are focusing on gratitude.  One of the ways to practice gratitude is doing something kind for someone else. At BCHS we are showing the meaning of  gratitude through our generosity. This is seen throughout our school in the month of December. One BCHS tradition is the annual Santa's elves , where the school collects toys for families in need . This is  followed by a community wrapping party which will take place on December 14, 2022.  In December,  kindergarten students from  surrounding schools will be visiting  the BCHS Santa's workshop where they can donate a toy, come see Santa, and visit the elves. This year BCHS will  wrap up the Christmas season by celebrating our school-wide Christmas dinner on December 20, 2022.

Here is some information about the benefits of practicing gratitude:

The Benefits of Gratitude and How to Get Started

7 Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Gratitude That Will Motivate You To Give Thanks Year-Round

Below, are some ideas of how to  practice gratitude at home:

-Practicing gratitude makes us happier and healthier.

-just like any skill we can learn to be more grateful with practice.

- create a family gratitude ritual. Pick a time each day to share one thing you are thankful for. It could be during meal time, in the car on the way to school or before bed.

- Create a family gratitude journal which family members can write in each week.

-  spend time as a family giving back to others.

Watch this video about the gratitude experiment;

An Experiment in Gratitude | The Science of Happiness

For more resources, check out the Gratitude page of the NLPS website.

If you would like me to connect with your child or your family, you can contact me at the school at 780-826-3366

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