Work Experience

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Work Experience Papers

All work experience students are required to turn in several documents in order to be considered registered in this course. Mr. Straile or Mrs. Buchta should have the following:

  1. Off-Campus booklet with the safety hazard assessment completed.
  2. P. 17 Signature page (including student, parent and employer signature) This is a page which covers the student as a Government of Alberta employee for the purposes of Workers compensation, so you can see its importance.
  3. Cover letter addressed to the current employer.
  4. Updated resume complete with a reference page.

If you have outstanding documents you must see Mr. Straile or Mrs. Buchta immediately.

Midterm Evaluation

When you are half way through the term at work experience, you are required to ask your employer for an evaluation. Please pick up an evaluation form from the general office and stay on top of it until your employer finishes it and you have it back to the school. Guess what! You can FAX it in at 826-2959 or email it to