November 2022 - Healthy Relationships

Healthy Relationships
This month at BCHS we are focusing on healthy relationships. The grade 10 CALM classes will be participating in presentations facilitated by the Dragonfly Center on healthy relationships. This presentation focuses on characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships. Topics covered include abusive relationships, consent, positive decision making, self-respect, and dating awareness.
Healthy relationships encompass the qualities of trust, honesty, equality, respect and compromise. Unfortunately we sometimes can develop unhealthy relationships that lead to violence and abusive behaviours. This is common. About 2 in 10 teen girls say they have been physically or sexually abused by a dating partner. About 1 in 10 teen boys reports abuse in dating relationships.(my alberta Below are the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships:
Signs of a healthy relationship
Sign of unhealthy relationships
What parents and caregivers need to know about youth dating and preventing youth violence;